Today has been one of those perfect Autumn days :) There was fog everywhere this morning and there was dew hanging on all the cobwebs in the hedges.I love it when that happens ,it reminds me of misty and cold mornings when I was little.Once the fog cleared it was a beautiful sunny day and we made our annual conker hunting trip to Ayot.It is so beautiful there but sadly the conker supplies seem to be getting fewer and fewer each year,and the trees are not looking healthy :( We managed to find quite a few,but there were practically none left on the trees still to come down so it's just as well as we went today.I think we have been there every year now since Em was about day I will have to dig out a photo from each year and compare them!
It seems very strange without Em here this evening.I'm hoping she's okay,we've just realised that is the first sleepover she's been to other than staying with family!Can't see her getting much sleep and she took enough DVD's to last three weeks ,let alone one night!
Tomorrow morning I think I might do some scrapping...then again maybe I'll just get on with the ironing pile that is the result of the last couple of days of gorgeous weather!
I hope you haven't nicked them, all We had planned to go tomorrow!!
i am hoping to go conker hunting after school today :)
My Mum tells me that alot of the horse chestnut trees have a diese this year, which is why they are looking poorly :( xxx
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