..well,apart from a certain 8yr old who's just woken up, as Santa was about to arrive! Looks like he may be delayed a while longer....
I know my photo from last year is almost the same ,but this is what it looks like here! Letters have been written and snacks left out :)
Everything is done now except for a couple of presents to be wrapped,which can wait til tomorow .Today has been spent cleaning, tidying and present making.All had to be done by 3pm before we headed off to the Christingle service :) It was so lovely again, with a real pony (I'm guessing there are no donkeys local,or maybe the pony is tamer?!) Mary,Joseph and an incredibly cute baby Jesus!The service would give any health & safety inspector nightmares...loads of small children holding naked flames...shocking! And every year you can smell the faint aroma of burning hair!!but we came home full of Christmas cheer :)
This evening we have enjoyed a very civilised candle lit meal,just the two of us,once the kids were in bed.We decided to start doing this a few years back after a couple of years of still wrapping presents up at way past midnight!
Right,I am off to enjoy a glass of Baileys :0
Oh, and I have another classic to share from Holly...I have a new Christmas dec which spells out the word Noel.Holly asked me what it said,'noel' was my reply,to which she said 'but it has got an L...' Bless!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas Sue, I hope you've had a wonderful day xx
Merry Chrismtas!!!!!
What a lovely picture!
Hope you all had a good one!!!
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