Thursday, September 07, 2006

Just for Shirl....

...a pic of some more ribbon! And it's mine all mine!!
Thank you to all those who have missed me! I am touched, I'm convinced no-one reads this and don't dare add a counter incase I am proved right!!
So, am onto my second day of being home! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and having them home but you can't beat an empty house, windows flung open and no Cbeebies/CBBC on the telly ! I have just done a huge pile of ironing whilst watching that fab 80's film 'Some Kind Of Wondeful'.Sigh...they just don't make them like that anymore!I have loads of sorting out to do in the kitchen so I could probably work my way through my entire chick flick collection while I'm at it!
Hmm, not much else to report today I'm afraid! Then again , it's mid afternoon and not late at night as it normally is when I blog! So who knows, I may be back later with something exciting to tell you...then again, maybe not!
Oh and Fiona...ramblings???! I'll have you know this is a carefully composed journal of my day to day life...nah, actually I think you're right - ramblings it is!!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, lovely scrumbly ribbons! *slurp*! I, too, am looking forward to having some time to sort - got to wait a little longer, yet. Roll on the end of September! xx

Anonymous said...

Yum Ribbons.
*while she sleeps at the retreat I will steal all these lovely ribbons*
Hope no one heard that!!

Glad you are enjoying your time to yourself, even if you are doing ironing!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

i ador ewibbons - i want them!

Shirley said...

Droooooooooooooooooool, anyone got a tissue???

psst Ali send em to meeeeeee!!!

I can't wait till tuesday when I get to see what the house is like without the boiled sprats in it and spend some time with Paul! You enjoy it dearie and ta very muchly for the ribbons!

Anonymous said...

lol Sue, dont you love cbeebies!?

Fiona said...

oooh - lush ribbons... Not that I need any more. Think my two large jars stuffed tight may be more ribbons than I can ever use...

And no, of course you don't ramble LOL! No more than any other blogger, anyway [grin]