Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The best sort of post...

...is unexpected post! Look at the fab box of goodies I got from the lovely Ali today! Totally unexpected but very much appreciated hun! And I have something in mind for that 'Friends' stamp....

Today has been the usual routine ...phone call to Anna (good to have you back!) then on with the Tuesday cleaning session! I even washed the girls wellies shock horror!

No scrapping done but lots of ideas whizzing round in my head.Trouble is, I just don't feel inspired in the evening and I have too much other stuff to do during the day!

Another pic , this time of some long searched for paper! You know when you know what you want but no where seems to have it? Well, I finally found somewhere that had this Sassafrasslass paper in at the beginning of Jan. But I had to wait til the end of Jan when I had some money. Luckily there was still some in stock! Trouble is I really don't want to use it now as I know I can't replace it !

Em finished her First Aid course today and will get her certificate and badge tomorrow. She has really enjoyed it !

Apparently we are forecast snow for Thursday morning.If it happens, I'll be throwing the kids out into the garden before school again to make the most of it!

Tomorrow morning I am off to be weighed.Have been pretty much back on the wagon this week and am looking forward to a treat of peanut butter on toast when I get back!


domestic goddess said...

wow happy post!!! the best post of all, good luck with the weigh in hun :)

Anam_Kihaku said...

love those stamps :) where they from? i want that saffalass papers - they are rare and GORGEOUS :)